Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Swiss days parade

The Jones, or the paparizzi!

Loading up the family

We looked pretty good!

The crowd loves the truck (and the candy)

Wating for lunch

Marlow giving rides in the Buick

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hogs Heaven

Looking South towards the head of Zion...

Austin showed us some amazing look out points...Wow what a view

This was a unbeliavbe view looking in to the start of the narows

We stopped at an old saw mill, I was loving the old machines

This tree dosent seem to mind living on the edge of a 1000 foot cliff!

Crossing the river above the narrows

Austin said this was the first cabin on the property that his Great Grandfather built

looking West towards the Kolob air strip

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor day, really! Staining the cabin...,

Rustin was entertaining us in the Village Friday night
Sherry was up for a ride to the village, even with Jon driving with his eyes closed!

This is the Rustin Reber fan club!

It's Sherry, enough said :)

Sherry and her BFF from Las Vegas showing us how to dance

This was what the weekend was about, it was time to stain the cabin, it was in need of it...

I think that we make a pretty good team...It turned out great. I hope that it was able to dry before it rained Monday