Well the day has come; Reggi is a Cedar High School Graduate! I know that Reggi is ready to get moving on with her life and excited to be going to the University of Utah next year for College, I not sure that Bonnie is as ready to let her little gymnast go and take on the world by herself yet. :)
Bonnie had a fun family party Friday afternoon before the graduation ceremony at Grandma Jane's, the whole family was there to wish Reggi good luck (well and the food was awesome too)
The weather was nice, sitting on the back porch and visiting with everyone was great...
The Cedar High School girls was looking sharp!
This was neat to see the next genaration of young people ready to take on the world. Do you remember your graduation?
Reggi receiving her diploma.
I like the shoes ;)
It is crazy to think that this is the last time that some of these kids will see each other :/
But for now they are just happy to get it over with....
One very proud mom!
Congratulations Reggi you did a great job and I wish you the best, I love you very much!
You to Bonnie you did a great job!