Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years

Kai was nice enough to let us have a New Years party with her..(Road closed to the cabin because of snow)

So we got out the Dance party and Rock band...I have to admit that we a really bad dancers and worse band players...

But it was a great time bringing in the new year! Happy New year!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bonnies Birthday

Not a big party this year..just some dinner before some bowling

But we was able to get a photo with the B-day hat.

Sherry was having fun with Kai at the bowling...Bonnie was even the winner for the night.

And she got to ride around on the horse....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2 Mountain tops in 1 day!

The day stated out leaving St George about 5AM to get to Milford first sunlight, the ice storm that they had (and the 3feet of snow in down town Milford) had played havoc with some of the equipment at the site on Frisco Peek. Kelly, Pete and I headed up to Frisco...

When we got there we found the problem and was able to get things fixed right up (That's how InfoWest rolls) of course you can see that the snow was waist deep on top....

This is a photo of what I can tell to be all of Beaver county...I am not sure but I think that I can see Beaver and Cedar City at the same time...what a view...

This is a photo of the hang glider ramp off the top, WOW! you got to have something stainless steel either a plate in your head or in your pants to run down this ramp!

We got things fixed so fast that Kelly and I decided that we had time to make it Graff point back above Cedar City, so we turned and burned back to Cedar, up Right Hand canyon to the "C" and unloaded the sleds, ripped across the top of Cedar Mt and down to Graff point above Kanarriville.

As we suspected the Ice was just as bad as it was on Frisco peek. Kelly climb up and broke off the ice in Hugh blocks some as big at 30 or 40 lbs... the Ice in this photo is 15 feet tall at the top!

This is after about 1 hour of cleaning off and removing the equipment so we could push the ice out with out hitting something and causing damage

The ice was think and stuck to everything!

This is looking back to Washington County (New Harmony and Kolob) about 4:00 PM just headed back across the top to the truck.

Back in the truck and headed home about 5:30 wow what a day to mountain tops, 10,000 feet twice in the same day! Boy I have a good life....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

B-day snowmobiling on Cedar Mt

Starting the trip our going around Duck Creek, looking pretty frozen...

This is Aspen Mirror lake

Bonnie, Lex and I went out towards Strawberry valley and showed Lex our look out spot.

And of course Lex had his food of choice with him...A berry fruit pie, yum!

Along the logging road we came across a dear that was getting picked on buy some little critters

Ya that's a deer leg, we wondered if it had a head, but we wasn't going to dig it out to find out.

We went out the West end of the valley towards North Fork (headed towards Zion) it was so pretty!

Monday, November 29, 2010

First trip on the snow

We stopped by the cabin to shovel the deck off, 2 to 3 feet of snow in November wow!

Justin and Cody where just being Justin and Cody...Tons of fun!

Bonnie was already showing us her riding skills...Wow can she can ride sled!

She is always up for a photo-op...And Jon is doing his (hey I'm back here) pose...

The snow was really great for the early in the year...

We had to wait for some people to get there and get ready, so what was Jon doing...walking around in a circle...

Well, words cant tell you how much fun I was having in the photo! In the Mt with my "wife" (I love saying that)...Love you Bonnie, thanks for hanging with me in the snow.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The big day...

Bonnie and I finally got married on Friday.

To maker sure that we didn't make anyone mad we had to be a little sneaky. We just went to the County Clerks office and 30min later it was done.

We went to the cabin and hid out for the weekend

The weather was great, we went on a wheeler ride, it was nice and quite...

We found are lunch spot that we went to a few years ago

It was nice to go back up to the cabin, it was 6 years ago that I proposed to Bonnie at then the property

We had a great time, and she kicked my but on Mario Cart...:)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Deer Hunting at the Ranch house

Gavin invited us out to the Ranch house to Dear hunt this year. I was not to into the hunt this year but with to nephews like Landon and Preston it wasn't long before I was excited about camping out.

6AM getting ready and working out a plan for the dang rain opening morning.

The Ranch house was nice, warm and dry after a night of rain.

Preston wanted to take my picture before we left.

A view out the back of the Ranch house, low clouds and rain keep us ( The Bowler's ) close to the fire Sat morning

The Frei's where determined to get a monster hike in, so Lex took them down to the trail head, in the rain....

We stayed in the ranch house with the Preston and Landon, shooting the bee bee gun at cans , tell we ran out of bee bee's

Preston getting warm as we dry out his shoes, for the 3red time that day...

A look at the rest of the Frei camp

Saturday night the stories got a little deep around the camp fire..some I am sure will never be repeated :)

Sunday morning Preston was showing us he was ready to go get the big one!

Headed out to make a push Sunday morning.

Looking out in the head of Slaughter creek. Wow there is a lot of country out there...

Gavin took us to a great valley, if I was a deer I would live there...but someone didn't tell the deer that...

This photo is a close up of the one above. If you look close you can see Lex and Preston making the hike back to Grandpa in the ranger.
(Preston said that it was 8 miles that we hiked, and next time he will take Grandpa up on the ride to the bottom)

Like I said absolutely gorgeous!

The colors in the canyon were awesome..

Had a great time, didn't shoot the big one, we did see some small bucks but not big enough to drag off the mountain...maybe net year...Thanks Gavin...