Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2 Mountain tops in 1 day!

The day stated out leaving St George about 5AM to get to Milford first sunlight, the ice storm that they had (and the 3feet of snow in down town Milford) had played havoc with some of the equipment at the site on Frisco Peek. Kelly, Pete and I headed up to Frisco...

When we got there we found the problem and was able to get things fixed right up (That's how InfoWest rolls) of course you can see that the snow was waist deep on top....

This is a photo of what I can tell to be all of Beaver county...I am not sure but I think that I can see Beaver and Cedar City at the same time...what a view...

This is a photo of the hang glider ramp off the top, WOW! you got to have something stainless steel either a plate in your head or in your pants to run down this ramp!

We got things fixed so fast that Kelly and I decided that we had time to make it Graff point back above Cedar City, so we turned and burned back to Cedar, up Right Hand canyon to the "C" and unloaded the sleds, ripped across the top of Cedar Mt and down to Graff point above Kanarriville.

As we suspected the Ice was just as bad as it was on Frisco peek. Kelly climb up and broke off the ice in Hugh blocks some as big at 30 or 40 lbs... the Ice in this photo is 15 feet tall at the top!

This is after about 1 hour of cleaning off and removing the equipment so we could push the ice out with out hitting something and causing damage

The ice was think and stuck to everything!

This is looking back to Washington County (New Harmony and Kolob) about 4:00 PM just headed back across the top to the truck.

Back in the truck and headed home about 5:30 wow what a day to mountain tops, 10,000 feet twice in the same day! Boy I have a good life....

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