Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Winter is still here....

Just in cases you was wondering winter is very much still here...

That is one bad snow blower!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valintaines day

Duck Creek lake.....

A view from inside the ice cave...

Parked on Navajo lake dam

Bonnie was determined to pull off the signature move one ski donut, she worked on it all weekend and she finial nailed it Sunday!

The snow was pretty deep as you can see, when it melted off the roof is just about blocked the stairs!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Its gettin deep!

The snow is piling up on Cedar Mt. Bonnie and I went up to the cabin for the weekend...She had a bad cough and the weather was snowing the whole time so we just stayed in the cabin most of the time. I snuck out and made a few trips across the valley between storms.

There is well over a foot of snow on my hood Sunday when we headed home and I cleaned it off once Saturday afternoon.

Had to dig the sleds out before we could head off the mountain.

I love the snow when it is just hanging in the trees, this is right in front of the cabin Sunday morning.

This is a photo in front of Cody's cabin.

WOW, the snow is as high as the deck.....