Sunday, February 7, 2010

Its gettin deep!

The snow is piling up on Cedar Mt. Bonnie and I went up to the cabin for the weekend...She had a bad cough and the weather was snowing the whole time so we just stayed in the cabin most of the time. I snuck out and made a few trips across the valley between storms.

There is well over a foot of snow on my hood Sunday when we headed home and I cleaned it off once Saturday afternoon.

Had to dig the sleds out before we could head off the mountain.

I love the snow when it is just hanging in the trees, this is right in front of the cabin Sunday morning.

This is a photo in front of Cody's cabin.

WOW, the snow is as high as the deck.....


  1. It looks pretty. Can't believe how much it snowed while you were there. I love the picture of the tree.

    PS Landon is looking at this with me and he loves the picture of the outhouse! ha ha. :)
